Monday, October 5, 2015

Inaugural Post

I came up with the term "The American Pet" and started this blog to try, in my own simple ways, to elevate people's minds away from the dredge in front of them.  At times, I see people who are more content to be cared for and pampered then work hard and take chances.

Our Founding Parents, had clear understanding that an individual's rights were given by God/Nature (you choose which you believe, and respect the different thoughts of your neighbor) and that the purpose of government is to protect the rights of its constituency.

Further, the understanding was clear that a government has no powers or authority other than that which is provided to it by the people.  Not the other way around.  However as any authority grows, it loses sight of the concept, and becomes self-serving.  As this occurs, it decides over time that progress is marked by laws that when looked at in its totality ultimately remove the burdens of liberty from the people within its borders, provide for a uniformity that offends, and makes us all content to be cared for and provided for (or scared to venture out to make our own ways).

And so the mark of this blog is to challenge conventionally accepted thoughts.  Call it confirmation bias, or group-think, or Argumentative Theory, or even the all-famous Tenth Man Rule - but in my mind, whenever everyone begins to agree on a single course of action, I begin wondering if we are no longer seeing the whole possibility.  I want to review the perspectives of 10 different sources of information and then make up my own mind.  If CNN and MSNBC all say the same thing as the AP, then they get one vote and I begin looking for the alternate theory.  Not to be contrary or off, but to educate myself in as many possibilities as feasible and use the tool between my ears to determine what I believe to be right.

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